Big Eyes, a 2014 film directed by Tim Burton, is the story of American painter Margaret Keane, who rose to fame after exposing her husband, Walter Keane, who had been taking credit for her haunting paintings of children with huge eyes as they grew in popularity. The film stars Amy Adams as Margaret and Christoph […]
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Big Eyes tells the real-life story of how Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz) created an empire of “big eyes”, paintings of children with huge, sad eyes, which he then passed off as his own, even though it was his wife Margaret (Amy Adams) who secretly painted them. For years Margaret keeps their secret, until after their divorce […]
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Big Eyes (2014), directed by Tim Burton, is a film based on the true story of Walter and Margaret Keane in the fifties and sixties. Margaret leaves her first husband and takes off to North Beach in San Francisco with her daughter which was not common in this time period. She gets a job painting […]
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