The Mystery of Picasso by Henri-Georges Clouzot, a French filmmaker, is a documentary focusing on the process and act of Pablo Picasso’s painting rather than a film which creates a dramatized depiction of the artist and their life of creating art by using dramatized effects and falsified interpretations. The whole film focuses on making Picasso’s […]
Read MoreThe Mystery of Picasso, by Katerin Rodriguez
Finding My Way Around the Mystery of Picasso Let’s start by saying that one would die to know what was on Picasso’s mind. In the movie Mystery of Picasso at the opening we see Mr. Pablo Ruiz Picasso sitting down on a chair looking to a certain direction as he smokes a cigarette. In this […]
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The Mystery of Picasso: Process over Product The name “Pablo Picasso” is an internationally known name. He has become a rock star of the art world but also an enigma in the minds of many people. The Spanish-born artist has enraptured audiences and art lovers for decades, and the film The Mystery of Picasso (1956) […]
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