The King directed by David Michod, is based on the historical William Shakespeare’s play of the same subject matter. In this movie, we follow Henry or Hal and his early reign of the English throne. I chose this movie because of my love for history and political intrigue, the struggles of medieval conflict, and of […]
Read MoreThe Last Samurai, by Julian Nadachowski
The Last Samurai, directed by Edward Zwick is a dramatic action movie, taking place in Japan after the American Civil War. The film displays Japanese culture in 1876. The filmmakers accurately, as well as inaccurately, portray Japanese culture during this time period. They use outfits, architecture, language, and other cultural aspects to depict the samurai […]
Read MoreGoya’s Ghosts, by Leslie Medvecky
The 2006 film, Goya’s Ghosts, directed by Milos Forman, is based on the life of Spanish painter and printmaker, Francisco Goya. Goya’s career intertwined with historical events such as the Spanish Inquisition and the French and British invasions, and the film does a good job of portraying these events. Many of these horrific and violent […]
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